Keep your baby close.
To maximise your sleep between night time feedings, plan to share a room with your baby to keep them close by in a bassinet. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that your baby sleep in the same room with you up until 1 year of age. Keeping them near you, will not only keep them safe but will help reduce your physical activity during feedings and will make it easier for your body to fall asleep after baby’s been fed. Consider the HALO® BassiNest swivel sleeper for the closest sleep with your baby.
Designed to swivel 360 degrees, the HALO® BassiNest swivel sleeper lets you bring baby right in to bed with you, safely. Plus, it makes attending to baby at night a breeze with its retractable side wall that lowers and allows you to pick up your baby from a seated position in bed. Not to mention, it keeps all of baby’s essentials right at your fingertips so it takes less time to get baby back to sleep, allowing you to get your much needed rest.
Swaddle your baby.
Your newborn baby will sleep better and longer if you swaddle them for bed. Swaddling prevents newborn babies from startling themselves awake with random arm movements and helps stimulate sleep continuity. For an easy-to-use, no-fuss swaddle, try using the 3-way HALO® SleepSack® Swaddle. It takes the guesswork out of swaddling and since it’s not a loose blanket, removing the safety risk. It is the only 3-way adjustable swaddle that adjusts to your baby’s sleep style and development. Swaddle arms in, one or both arms out to ensure baby’s best sleep and an easy and gentle transition to the SleepSack® Sleeping Bag when it is time to stop swaddling.

Keep your nighttime essentials within arm's reach.
The more you move around for each feeding, the harder it will be for you to fall back to sleep. To eliminate unnecessary moving around during the night or trips to the kitchen and bathroom, keep your baby within arm’s reach, along with everything else you need like diapers, wipes, nursing pillow and a burp cloth.
Establish a bedtime routine.
Your baby will be more relaxed if she knows what's coming next. The more relaxed she is, the more likely she'll go to bed easily and fall asleep quickly. For your night time ritual, consider giving your baby a bath, reading a story, singing a lullaby and swaddling.
Sleep may seem like an elusive dream with a newborn, but the HALO® BassiNest Swivel Sleeper and SleepSack® Swaddle make it easy for everyone to get some much needed shut eye.