Finding the right playmat for your baby is like many (if not all) baby products; there are so many choices and you have no idea where to start!
That’s why we created the aden + anais baby bonding playmat—to take the guesswork out of selecting a mat that engages and encourages your little one to explore their surroundings, while offering over 30 development benefits to help them achieve essential milestones.
But you don’t have to take our word for it. We’ve partnered with Jennie Monness, partner and Chief-Mom-in-Charge of Union Square Play and early childhood and parenting educator, to discuss what makes our playmat so special. Here are her top three reasons for choosing the aden + anais baby bonding playmat:
The Importance of Child and Parent Bonding
Monness said, “Baby bonding doesn’t only happen through cuddles and touch, although that is incredibly valuable. When we sit with our baby and remain present and available while they explore on their own, we are bonding with them and promoting healthy child development. The aden + anais™ baby bonding playmat gives parents the opportunity to be fully in the moment with their child giving them the sense of security and confidence to explore.”
A Designated Area for Play
“Having a designated area for play and exploration is one of the most important things we can provide for a young child,” said Monness. “The area in which we designate needs to allow a young child to stretch, move, kick, and reach. That's what I appreciate most about the baby bonding playmat by aden + anais; a parent can confidently place their child on the mat and know that they have all that they need to play and move.”
Encourages Side-to-Side Movement
“What parents may not realize is that by minimizing baby’s distractions, we are allowing the youngest infants to notice what is around them. The aden + anais baby bonding playmat provides infants with a safe, secure surface to move their head side to side. This is one of the earliest movements they make to reach future gross motor development milestones. With nothing overhead, this mat encourages exploration for what is around them vs what is just above their head.” – Jennie Monness
Engage vs. Entertain
Monness said, “Young children learn most from engaging with the environment vs being entertained by the environment. The aden + anais baby bonding playmat provides opportunities for an infant to explore cause and effect. ‘What happens when I crinkle the elephant ear?’ ‘What happens when I pick up this leaf?’ ‘What happens when I squeeze the bird?’ These are all ways in which a young child can learn that their actions have impact on their environment, in turn, encouraging interaction.”
Raising a child is one of, if not THE, most important (and rewarding) jobs you can do. By choosing the aden + anais baby bonding playmat, you can be sure that baby is consistently engaged and being encouraged to develop their fine motor, sensory, cognitive and gross motor skills with you by their side.