Newborn sleep can be intimidating to say the least!
We get tons of questions from parents asking everything from “How do I help my baby sleep safely?” to “How do I setup a bedtime routine?” to “Where should my baby sleep?” to “How should I dress my baby for sleep?” It’s a lot.
Luckily you’ve come to the right place. As experts in sleep - especially safe sleep - we’re here to break it down and tell you what you *really* need for your baby’s best sleep. You’ll want to peep this before finalizing your registry.
Read on for our top 5 newborn sleep must-haves plus 5 more you might consider depending on your baby’s sleep preferences:
The Must Haves:
1. Comfy Swaddle
Swaddles are huge for helping babies to sleep more soundly (read: longer.) They wrap your baby snuggly, recreating a womb-like feeling, and by doing so help to prevent the startle reflex. That means less wakeups and longer stretches - because every minute counts in the early days.
Parents and experts swear by our SleepSack swaddle. It combines a sleeping bag with two adjustable swaddle wings, making it easy peasy for parents to wrap their baby. You can swaddle them 3 different ways - arms in, arms out, or hands-to-face - depending on how they prefer to sleep.
Did we mention SleepSack is used in over 1,800 hospitals? That translates to more than 50% of babies wrapped in a HALO swaddle for their first night of sleep. We’ve heard from many parents who loved SleepSack swaddle so much that they ordered several more before leaving the hospital!
Featuring HALO 100% Cotton Swaddle in Forest Lullaby
2. Safe, Separate Sleep Space
Babies should sleep in their own safe, separate sleep space - meaning a crib, bassinet, or play yard. Places they shouldn’t sleep? Adult beds, couches, fuzzy rugs, or loungers (aka docking stations), swings, and car seats once you’ve reached your destination.
The “separate” is also key. Cosleeping is tempting when you’re seriously sleep deprived, but it isn’t recommended for safety reasons. That’s why HALO BassiNest was designed to offer extra close sleep, but still keep your baby in their own enclosed space. It’s the only bassinet that swivels over parents’ bed, so it offers the closeness your little craves but does so safely.
Featuring HALO Sleep BassiNest Soothing Sleeper 3.0
3. Firm, Flat Crib Mattress
Once you’ve got the crib, make sure you also have a crib mattress that fits correctly and is adequately firm and flat (per AAP guidelines!) Avoid any inclined surfaces or sleepers as these aren’t safe for sleep.
These days we’re loving a breathable crib mattress for your little’s best sleep. Not only are they fully breathable, but the airflow can also help heat and moisture escape for a more comfy sleep. (Many parents also find the extra peace of mind they get from a breathable crib mattress helps them sleep better too!)
Featuring HALO Sleep Breathable Crib Mattress
4. Crib Sheets (Get 2-3!)
Seems obvious, but make sure to add at least two to three crib sheets to your registry. That way you’ll always have an extra on hand when accidents occur (trust us, they will) and for laundry days. Crib sheets should fit snuggly around the mattress without any loose fabric.
We’re huge fans of the breathable 100% cotton muslin sheets from aden + anais. They’re super gentle on baby’s skin and they pair perfectly with a breathable crib mattress.
Featuring aden+anais 100% cotton crib sheets in natural history
5. Pajamas
Your newborn will spend lots of time snoozing, so make sure to have several sets of PJ’s ready. There are tons of great brands and designs to choose from - we personally love 100% cotton options since they’re natural, breathable and feels great on baby’s skin.
Not sure how to layer PJ’s with SleepSacks? Our What to Wear for Sleep chart breaks it down.
The Must Haves:
1. Travel Sleep Space
Part of safe sleep is making sure every sleep is a safe one. That’s why you want to have a sleep solution ready if you’re traveling or visiting family. While some hotels or AirBnB’s offer sleep gear, many parents feel more comfortable using a product their baby is familiar with and that hasn’t been used again and again.
The AAP recommends not using antique or older cribs because safety standards have changed since the time they were produced. (PSA - If your crib from 1991 is still around, this is a good time to get rid of it…and any leftover videotapes hanging around your family’s basement!)
BassiNest Flex offers the same safe, close sleep parents love from our regular BassiNest, but in a portable, lightweight design. It folds into a carry bag that easily fits into most car trunks.
Featuring HALO Sleep Travel BassiNest Flex
2. White Noise Machine
Studies have shown that listening to white noise can help newborn babies fall asleep faster. Sign us up! There are tons of options available from stand alone white noise machines to apps to elaborate night light and white noise combos. (Our BassiNest Soothing 3.0 even has built in white noise and vibrations!) Just remember to keep whichever device you choose out of your baby’s sleep area.
Featuring HALO Sleep BassiNest 3.0 with Soothing Center
3. Wearable Blanket
Once your baby starts rolling (generally around 4 -6 months, but every baby is different), it’s time to ditch the swaddle. You’ll still want to avoid loose blankets until your baby is a year old for safety. That’s where a wearable blanket, or SleepSack, comes in. It keeps your baby safe, cozy and can’t be kicked off.
You’ll want to have different fabrics on hand depending on season, climate or time of day. We offer 100% cotton, fleece, velboa, and temperature regulating Ideal Temp options.
Featuring HALO Sleep 100% Cotton Wearable Blanket
4. Bedtime Books
Establishing a bedtime routine is a great way to signal to your baby that it’s time to wind down for sleep. Reading to your baby can be a sweet, special part of the routine for everyone.
Some of our favorite bedtime reads include Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown, Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBratney, and Here We Are by Oliver Jeffers. Register for some of your own childhood favorites (or discover new ones at your local library!)