Parents just want to make sure their babies are cozy at night. Sleep is essential to a newborn’s development--and to a parent’s sanity! Although it isn’t always easy to know whether or not your newborn is safe and comfy when you put them to bed.
In the warmer months, parents also face the added challenge of asking themselves, “Am I overheating the baby at night?”
Often parents worry about their newborns being too cold (which of course you want to avoid!), but at night, it is critical to be sure a child is not too hot. Going to bed too warm can cause mild side effects from poor sleep to a heat rash, but research has also linked overheating to an increased risk of sudden-infant-death syndrome (SIDS).
For infants, a normal temperature is considered to be 97.5 degrees fahrenheit (36.4 degrees celsius). A temperature around 100.4 degrees fahrenheit (or 38 degrees celsius) is considered too hot for a baby.
Why do babies overheat?
Newborns and young infants have an immature thermoregulatory system. Their ability to regulate body temperature efficiently is still developing, making them more vulnerable to overheating. This not only makes them more prone to overheating but also to getting too cold. In fact, they lose body heat four times faster than adults or older children!
Babies have a higher metabolic rate than adults. This means that their bodies generate more heat, and if they are in an environment that is too warm or if they are bundled up in excessive layers of clothing, their body temperature can rise quickly. Additionally, babies have a limited capacity to sweat compared to adults. Sweating is an important mechanism for cooling down, but infants have smaller sweat glands and limited sweating ability, especially during the early months of life. This reduced capacity to sweat makes it more challenging for them to dissipate heat and cool down when they become too hot.
It's important for caregivers to be aware of their baby's environment and take measures to prevent overheating, such as dressing them in light and breathable clothing, keeping them in a well-ventilated room, and avoiding exposure to direct sunlight or excessive heat.
When their body temperature rapidly changes, they are unable to communicate properly or make the necessary adjustments such as:
- Shiver to indicate they are cold
- Remove clothing to indicate they are hot
- Excessive sweating to indicate they are hot
Causes of Overheating Babies at Night
It's crucial to monitor a baby's temperature and ensure they are comfortable and not overheating during sleep. Look for signs such as flushed skin, excessive sweating, rapid breathing, irritability, or lethargy, as these can indicate overheating.
Overheating in babies at night can be caused by various factors, including:
- Excessive Clothing and Bedding: Dressing a baby in too many layers or using heavy blankets and bedding can lead to overheating. It's important to consider the ambient temperature, dress the baby appropriately for the conditions, and keep the bed clear of loose blankets.
- Room Temperature: Keeping the baby's sleeping environment too warm can contribute to overheating. The ideal room temperature for a baby is generally recommended to be between 68°F to 72°F (20°C to 22°C). Using a room thermometer can help monitor and maintain a comfortable temperature.
- Inadequate Ventilation: Poor air circulation in the baby's room can prevent heat from dissipating, leading to overheating. Ensure that the room is well-ventilated by using fans or opening windows when necessary.
- Overheating from Other Sources: Sometimes, external heat sources in the baby's sleeping area, such as radiators, heating pads, or excessive insulation, can contribute to overheating. Keep the baby's sleeping space free from such heat sources.
- Illness or Fever: Babies who are unwell or experiencing a fever may have an elevated body temperature, making them more susceptible to overheating. If your baby is sick, it's important to follow the advice of a healthcare professional regarding appropriate temperature management.

Featuring HALO Ideal Temp Swaddle in Navy/Orange
How do I know if my baby is overheating?
During the warm summer months and even into the fall, parents in places like Texas and California struggle to keep their babies cool at night. It is important for parents and guardians to arm themselves with the right knowledge and tools to keep their little ones comfy, yet safe when they go to bed. This involves knowing what to look for when it comes to overheating.
Here are some indicators a baby is too hot:
- Warm to the touch
- Flushed or red skin
- Rapid heartbeat
- Fast breathing
- Vomiting
- Lethargic or unresponsive
- Sweaty neck or damp hair
- Heat rash
- Restless and unable to sleep
- Rectal temperature of 100.4 or higher
- If your baby is sick, it's important to follow the advice of a healthcare professional.

Featuring HALO Ideal Temp Wearable Blanket in Oatmeal Pink
What do I do if my baby is too hot?
If you’re concerned that your little one has overheated, the important thing to do is stay calm!
Here are some ways to help bring their temperature safely back down:
- Offer fluids (breastmilk, formula, or sips of water depending on their age)
- Apply a cold compress to their forehead or limbs
- Give them a lukewarm (NOT cold) bath
- Take off layers of clothing
- Go to a well ventilated room
If your child is unresponsive, call 911 or proceed to the nearest emergency room immediately.
How do I prevent overheating my baby at night?
Making sure your baby is the right temperature at night makes for a better night of sleep for them and for you! There are several preventive measures parents can take to avoid overheating their baby at bedtime.
Room Temperature
You may not be able to control the weather outside, but you have some control over the conditions inside your baby’s room. The ideal temperature for a baby's room should be between 68 degrees to 72 degrees fahrenheit (or 20 degrees to 22.2 degrees celsius).
Even if you aren’t able to measure the exact temperature of the room, ask yourself, “Is the temperature in here too hot or too cold for me?” After all, babies are just little humans! If it’s too hot for you, it’s probably too hot for them, too.
Here are some ways to help keep their room cool enough:
- Make sure there is plenty of ventilation (open doors, open all air vents)
- Consider using blackout curtains to keep sunlight/heat out
- Use a fan to help air circulate
- Move to a lower room in the house (remember, heat rises!)
Safe Sleep Habits
Practicing safe sleep habits is critical. This means putting babies to sleep with their head and face uncovered. Since infants control their temperature through their face and head, leaving these areas free of hats, bonnets, beanies, or blankets, is one of the best ways to protect your little one from overheating. Plus, these can slip during the night and accidentally cause suffocation.
Other safe sleep habits recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) include:
- Back is best, place your baby on their back for sleep
- Use a firm sleep surface such as a crib or bassinet
- Keep baby’s sleep area in the same room as you for the first 6 months to a year
These safe sleep habits help reduce the risk of overheating, accidental deaths from suffocation, and SIDS.
Appropriate Bedding
Regardless of the temperature, experts agree that parents should avoid any “loose” bedding when it comes to where an infant sleeps. AAP suggests parents “avoid the use of soft bedding, including crib bumpers, blankets, pillows, and soft toys.” Not only do these extra fabrics pose a risk of suffocation for your little one, but too many layers of bedding increases the temperature. This can easily lead to overheating.
Instead of loose blankets or quilts, it is suggested parents use:
- A fitted sheet over crib or bassinet mattress
- Products such assleep sacks or swaddles
These types of products are specifically designed to safely keep your baby at the right temperature during the night or whenever they are sleeping. Little ones tend to love these products because swaddling provides comfort and security similar to what they experienced in the womb.
Ideal Temp Swaddles & Wearable Blankets
In fact, some swaddles, like the Swaddle Ideal Temp, and some wearable blankets, like the Ideal Temp Wearable Blanket, are made with special fabric to help regulate a baby’s temperature. The IntelliThread™ technology absorbs heat, stores it, and then releases it back to your baby, maintaining an ideal temperature and avoiding potential overheating.
Swaddling is recommended for infants until they are able to intentionally roll over, which typically happens around 3-4 months. After that stage, many parents transition to using a swaddle with their infants arms free or a sleep sack. A sleep sack, also known as a wearable blanket, is typically made with breathable fabric to keep a child comfy and warm without overheating them. It also continues to eliminate the need for loose fabrics that pose safety risks.
Featuring HALO Ideal Temp Swaddle in Heather Gray/Aqua
Appropriate Clothing
What should a baby wear under swaddle? When it comes to dressing your baby for bedtime, a good rule of thumb is to add an additional layer to what you’re wearing. In the warm summer months if you sleep in your underwear, you may want to avoid fleece footie pajamas. Here are some options to consider in the summertime:
- Short sleeve onesie
- Organic cotton onesie or t-shirt
- Cotton footless pajamas
- Cotton footie pajamas
You always want to air on the side of caution and not overdress your baby.
It is much easier and less dangerous to add a layer during the night. Again, you never want to put an infant to bed with any sort of hat, bonnet, or beanie. This prevents heat from escaping through the head (which can lead to overheating), and they are at risk for falling during the night and obstructing a child’s breathing.
Remember, as much as you might want to tuck your little one all snug and warm, babies cannot regulate their own temperature! In these warm summer months, it is critical to be sure you are practicing safe sleeping habits that increase the risk of your baby sleeping through the night without getting too hot!
What to do if Your Baby is Overheating
If you suspect that your baby may be overheating or too warm, it is recommended to do the following:
- Check temperature: Choose a digital thermometer suitable for your baby's age and the recommended method of use (rectal, forehead, ear, etc.). Depending on the type of thermometer you are using, follow the instructions to position the thermometer correctly. Once the thermometer completes the measurement, check the display for the temperature reading. The normal body temperature for babies is typically around 97°F to 100.3°F (36.1°C to 37.9°C). If the reading is significantly higher or lower than this range, it may indicate a potential issue, including overheating.
- Cool down your baby: If you are aware that your baby is overheating, it is recommended to offer fluids (water, breastmilk or formula depending on age), take a lukewarm bath, remove layers of clothing, apply a cold compress to their limbs and/or bring them to a well ventilated room.
- Seek medical attention: If your baby is overheating, you may need to seek medical attention if they have a high fever above 100.4°F (38°C), if they appear to be extremely uncomfortable (irritable, extremely lethargic or show signs of respiratory distress), if their symptoms persist or worsen with your attempts to cool them down or if you notice any other concerning symptoms like mottled skin, vomiting, seizure or any other unusual behaviors.
Featuring HALO Ideal Temp Swaddle in Heather Gray/Aqua