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tips for swaddling your baby in the summer

tips for swaddling your baby in the summer

Without a doubt, swaddling is one of the best tools in a parent’s toolkit when it comes to soothing their newborn. Parents and caregivers use this age-old practice of wrapping babies with a blanket snugly to mimic the calming effects of a mother’s womb. All swaddling requires is a blanket, like a muslin swaddle blanket, and the knowledge of how to use one (which you can find on our blog, “How to Swaddle a Baby: Step by Step Instructions.”).

However as the temperature starts to rise in the summer, many parents are left wondering if it is too hot to swaddle their little one. When it comes to summer swaddling, there are some factors to consider to make sure that your baby is comfy and not overheating.

Keep reading to learn more about swaddling in the summer and what to look for in summer swaddles for babies!

5 Tips for Swaddling in Summer

During the summer months, you'll need to take extra care to ensure your little one doesn't get too hot. Here are some tips for swaddling your baby in the summer:

  1. Choose lightweight fabrics: When it's hot outside, you'll want to use a lightweight, breathable fabric for your baby's swaddle. Cotton muslin is a great option because it's soft, lightweight, and breathable.
  2. Keep the swaddle loose: It's important not to swaddle your baby too tightly during the summer months. You want to allow air to circulate around your baby's body to prevent overheating. A loose swaddle will also allow your baby to move their arms and legs more freely, which can help prevent overheating.
  3. Use a swaddle designed for summer: There are swaddles specifically designed for use during the summer months. These swaddles are made from lightweight, breathable materials and may feature vents or other features to help regulate your baby's body temperature.
  4. Dress your baby appropriately: When swaddling your baby in the summer, it's important to dress them appropriately. Use lightweight, breathable clothing, and avoid overdressing your baby. You may also want to consider using a diaper with a breathable outer layer.
  5. Monitor your baby's temperature: During the summer months, it's important to monitor your baby's temperature to ensure they don't overheat. If your baby seems to be sweating or is hot to the touch, it may be time to remove the swaddle or adjust their clothing.

Featuring aden+anais organic cotton muslin swaddle blanket in outdoors


Dressing Your Baby in Summer for Sleep with Swaddle

When dressing your baby for the summer months, it's important to keep in mind that babies are not able to regulate their body temperature as well as adults, so you'll need to be mindful of how you dress them.

You'll want to pay attention to the TOG value. TOG is a measurement of thermal resistance, and it tells you how warm a swaddle or other piece of bedding will be. TOG values for summer swaddles typically range from 0.2 to 1.0, making them a lightweight and breathable material. Best baby fabrics used during summer time are usually cotton, cotton muslin, linen, bamboo or silk.

What to Wear Under a Swaddle?

It's always important to consider what you choose to have your baby wear under their swaddle in the summer months. It generally is recommended to use one extra layer. The swaddle will act as the second layer, so underneath your baby should wear base layer only. Think, lightweight breathable materials for the base layer. Cotton muslin onesies are soft and super breathable, making it the perfect layer under a swaddle.

Also, if you baby tends to run on the warmer side (just like some adults so), there is absolutely nothing wrong with just swaddling your little in their diaper!

Avoid adding hats to your little's head. Since heat escapes through the head, you need to keep your infant's head uncovered to help them stay cool and prevent overheating.

Lastly, consider your comfort. Think about what you would be comfortable in. Remember, babies are tiny humans! If it’s too warm for you to be sleeping in three layers, then your little one probably doesn’t need to be either.


Keeping Baby Cool While Sleeping During Summer

We have reviewed how to dress and swaddle your baby for sleep during the warmer months, but you may be wondering other ways to keep your little cool during their summertime slumbers. Outside of lightweight, breathable materials, it is recommended to pay attention to their surroundings. 

  • Using a breathable mattress in your baby's crib, such as foam or mesh, can help circulate air and prevent overheating. 
  • Make sure the room stays cool. It is recommended to keep the room your baby sleeps in cool and comfortable, between 68-72°F (20-22°C). 
  • A cool mist humidifier can help keep the air in your baby's room moist, which can help keep them cool and sleeping soundly.
  • Use a fan or air conditioning to circulate cool air in your baby's room. Just be sure to keep the fan out of reach of your baby and avoid direct airflow on them.
  • Offer frequent feedings of breast milk or formula to keep your baby hydrated during the hot summer months.

Featuring aden+anais easy swaddle wrap in stencil


Challenges of Swaddling During Summer 

Swaddling can be a great way to help your baby feel secure and calm during sleep, but it can pose some challenges during the hot summer months. One of the main challenges of swaddling during summer is the risk of overheating. If your baby is swaddled in heavy, thick blankets or clothing, it can be difficult for them to regulate their body temperature, which can lead to overheating and discomfort.

Additionally, swaddling can limit your baby's ability to move and can make it more difficult for them to release heat from their body. Another challenge is finding the right tog value for your baby's swaddle. If the tog value is too high, your baby may become too warm and uncomfortable, while a tog value that is too low may not provide enough warmth or security. It's important to choose a lightweight, breathable swaddle made of materials like cotton or muslin and to use a low tog value during summer months to keep your baby cool and comfortable.

Finally, it's important to monitor your baby's temperature and behavior regularly to ensure they are not overheating and to adjust their swaddle or clothing as needed to maintain a comfortable temperature.

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