Did you know aden + anais products are sold in over 65 countries?
We’ve been thrilled to be a part of so many family + cultural traditions from around the world. For example, it’s tradition for Japanese school-age children to bring several cleaning cloths with them to school. As a result, our cotton muslin washcloths are kind of a big deal in Japan! In Europe, parents have been obsessed with Muslin Squares (or Musy Squares for short) for years. Because Musy Squares are such top sellers, we’ve brought them over the pond so North American parents can finally see what all the hype is about.
Read on to learn more about your new fave baby item:
What are Musy Squares?
Essentially they’re large squares of our super soft + 100% cotton muslin. They’re not quite as big as our oversized cotton swaddles, so they won’t work for baby burrito-ing. But many parents find them perfectly sized for just about everything else.
Parents use Musy Squares as bibs, blankets, scarves - you name it! Let’s face it, babies are adorable, but pretty messy too. Musy Squares are the catch-alls you need to make sure they stay clean + cute.
Musy Squares are available in 100% cotton muslin and 100% GOTS-certified organic cotton muslin.
Muslin Swaddles vs. Musy Squares
Watch the video below to understand the difference between our top selling muslin swaddles and our newly launched muslin squares.
Best Ways to Use Musy Squares
We’ve pretty much heard it all, but here are some of our favorite ways to use Musy Squares:
Burp Cloth
Sop up spills with ultra absorbent + 100% cotton muslin. Our Musy Squares come in packs of 3 or 5, depending on the print, so you’ll always have a fresh one.

Breathable Lovey
Loveys can help babies feel more secure while snoozing. Parents love that it’s made from 100% breathable cotton muslin.

Playtime Scarf
Littles love interacting with Musy Squares. Gently wave them over toes for some tactile tickling. Or use them for silly peek-a-boo fun.

Clean Up Time
Use Musy squares to wipe up spills + dribbles. The 100% cotton is super gentle on their delicate skin.

Mini Blanket
Ideal for keeping legs comfy + covered, especially during stroller walks in the late spring or summer.

On-The-Go Cloth
Taking your little out and about? Grab a few Musy’s and you’ll always have a clean spot to place their bum if they need a change.