
Hassle-Free Swaddling
SleepSack® Swaddles take the guesswork out of creating a secure, snug swaddle thanks to a 2-way zip pouch and adjustable wings.
Newborns have erratic sleep patterns and require frequent feeding, which can lead to disrupted sleep for parents. On average, parents can expect to get around 2 to 3 hours of uninterrupted sleep at a time during the early weeks with a newborn.
Every baby is different, but most infants start sleeping longer stretches at night between 3 to 6 months of age. However, some babies may take longer to establish consistent sleep patterns.
Establishing a consistent bedtime routine, creating a sleep-friendly environment, and encouraging self-soothing are some strategies that can help your baby sleep through the night. Avoiding stimulating activities before bedtime and ensuring your baby is well-fed and comfortable can also aid in better sleep.
In the early weeks, newborns need to be fed on demand, which may include nighttime feedings. However, as your baby grows and gains weight, they may start to sleep longer stretches at night. Always consult with your pediatrician to determine if waking your baby for feedings is necessary.
Co-sleeping can be safe if practiced following specific guidelines. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends room-sharing but not bed-sharing with your baby to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Use a separate sleep surface, such as a crib or bassinet, in the same room as you.
Coping with sleep deprivation involves prioritizing rest whenever possible, accepting help from others, practicing self-care, and seeking emotional support. Establishing a routine, staying hydrated, and focusing on small achievements can also aid in managing sleep deprivation.
Yes, it's essential to follow safe sleep guidelines provided by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Always place your baby on their back to sleep on a firm, flat surface with a fitted sheet. Keep the sleep environment free of blankets, pillows, stuffed animals, and ensure that the room is at a comfortable temperature.